Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. Announces Transactions in Own Shares and Weekly Summary of Transactions in Own Shares


Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (ticker: PSH:NA) today announces that it has purchased, through PSH’s agent, Jefferies International Limited (“Jefferies”), the following number of PSH’s ordinary shares of no par value (ISIN Code: GG00BPFJTF46) (the “Shares”):

  Date of purchase:         10 May 2017
  Number of Shares purchased:         54,106 Shares
  Highest price paid per Share:         1,224 pence / 15.83 USD
  Lowest price paid per Share:         1,216 pence / 15.73 USD
  Average price paid per Share:         1,218.82 pence / 15.77 USD

PSH intends to cancel these Shares. The net asset value per Share related to this Share buyback is USD 18.36 / GBP 14.20 which was calculated as of 9 May 2017. After giving effect to the above Share buyback, PSH has 239,873,386 outstanding Shares. The prices per share in USD were calculated by Jefferies.

The number of PSH Management Shares and the 1 special voting share (held by PS Holdings Independent Voting Company Limited) has not been affected.

PSH also announces that it has published to its website, in accordance with the EU Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, details of transactions in its own shares for the past week. Information is available at

About Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.:

Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (PSH:NA) is an investment holding company structured as a closed ended fund that makes concentrated investments principally in North American companies.